Friday January 10th will be the regular spot at Cafe Sport, just dont pack it with hardware but be social and stuff. Want to finish your entries? You can of course still do that and we will provide the room required.

On Saturday January 11th we will NOT be at Cafe Sport but -RIGHT NEXT DOOR- at Het Depot. Het Depot is a concert venue with multiple rooms available that weekend. We will put appropriate signage on all relevant doors, there is no need to change any booking or schedule.

We will meet up Sunday at "Grand Cafe Industrie" for those wanting late or second breakfast on the corner of the Martelarenplein and Bondgenotenlaan. Cafe Industrie opens at 11am.




Going 12

porocyon Violet steffest Enfys waffle Jobj Noctis poti lexbailey reality404 xxx juvi

Interested 5

Callisto Geekou Shifter bonefish PrincessLuna


Café Sport

Martelarenplein 13
3000 Leuven, Vlaams Gewest
Belgium Belgium


Entrance Fee

€30.00 Standard ticket

€10.00 Student / Unemployed ticket

€20.00 Long Distance Traveller

€100.00 Supporter ticket

Party Series

rsync 2025 is a part of Rsync.