Winter is coming….. But not yet, we will celebrate the end of summer in style, Black Birdie style. This year the Ancient Bird of terror has migrated towards the heat. Summer, Sun, Sauna and Swimming… Will the Acolates survive the beams of the big fireball in the sky! Only those present will know!

Demo and Die.

— The Disciples of the Black Bird


Going 4

Mindcooler Kwarf slumgud silentriot4k


Norreda Torp

755 97 Uppsala
Sweden Sweden

Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) 5
Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited)


Party Series

Black Birdie 2024 is a part of Black Birdie.