
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti a36a9217
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Black Birdie 2024
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Black Birdie 2024
Property Old value New value
Url https://blackbirdie.org null
Property Old value New value
Url https://blackbirdie.org null
poti  poti c8658b75
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-05-17 08:35:40
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-05-17 08:35:40
poti  poti 71e884c9
Property Old value New value
Location Uppsala: Norreda Torp, Deep in the forest, Uppsala (Place) Uppsala: Norreda Torp (Place)
Property Old value New value
Location Uppsala: Norreda Torp, Deep in the forest, Uppsala (Place) Uppsala: Norreda Torp (Place)
poti  poti fc25487f
Property Old value New value
Attendence Mode OnlineEventAttendanceMode OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Demozoo Party null Black Birdie 2024
Location null Uppsala: Norreda Torp, Deep in the forest, Uppsala (Place)
Slug unique-event/black-birdie-2024 black-birdie/black-birdie-2024
Eventseries null Black Birdie
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Attendence Mode OnlineEventAttendanceMode OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Demozoo Party null Black Birdie 2024
Location null Uppsala: Norreda Torp, Deep in the forest, Uppsala (Place)
Slug unique-event/black-birdie-2024 black-birdie/black-birdie-2024
Eventseries null Black Birdie
Twitter Hash Tag null
wix  wix 31963fc1 Added Image
  Added Image
wix  wix 31963fc1 Added Platform: Multiplatform
  Added Platform: Multiplatform
wix  wix 31963fc1
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OnlineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null All hail the Ancient Bird.
Country null Sweden
Description null Winter is coming….. But not yet, we will celebrate the end of summer in style, Black Birdie style. This year the Ancient Bird of terror has migrated towards the heat. Summer, Sun, Sauna and Swimming… Will the Acolates survive the beams of the big fireball in the sky! Only those present will know! Demo and Die. — The Disciples of the Black Bird
Email null black.birdie.2024@proton.me
End Date null 2024-09-15
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null Black Birdie 2024
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null unique-event/black-birdie-2024
Start Date null 2024-09-13
Timezone null Europe/Stockholm
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://blackbirdie.org
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OnlineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null All hail the Ancient Bird.
Country null Sweden
Description null Winter is coming….. But not yet, we will celebrate the end of summer in style, Black Birdie style. This year the Ancient Bird of terror has migrated towards the heat. Summer, Sun, Sauna and Swimming… Will the Acolates survive the beams of the big fireball in the sky! Only those present will know! Demo and Die. — The Disciples of the Black Bird
Email null black.birdie.2024@proton.me
End Date null 2024-09-15
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null Black Birdie 2024
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null unique-event/black-birdie-2024
Start Date null 2024-09-13
Timezone null Europe/Stockholm
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://blackbirdie.org