
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti 98bbca03
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-10-17 09:23:08
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-10-17 09:23:08
poti  poti 30ac6c9b
Property Old value New value
Description No year could possibly end without an edition of the Demonights. So here we go again: Demonights 018 is going to take place in December, wrapping up the year nicely. We'll talk about how we finally got the demoscene to be part of the Swiss List of Living Traditions, we'll watch a few demos (new and worthy, possibly off some capture unless someone brings hardware) and we will have a quick look at what the people from Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur have been busy with during 2024 (projects and events). This edition of Demonights is hosted at the (new and shiny) Hackerspace of Chaostreff Bern and is part of their 2024/2025 series of monthly theme talks. No year could possibly end without an edition of the Demonights. So here we go again: Demonights 018 is going to take place in December, wrapping up the year nicely. We'll talk about how we finally got the demoscene to be part of the Swiss List of Living Traditions, we'll watch a few demos (new and worthy, possibly off some capture unless someone brings hardware) and we will have a quick look at what the people from Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur have been busy with during 2024 (projects and events). This edition of Demonights is hosted at the (new and shiny) Hackerspace of Chaostreff Bern and is part of their 2024/2025 series of monthly theme talks.
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Description No year could possibly end without an edition of the Demonights. So here we go again: Demonights 018 is going to take place in December, wrapping up the year nicely. We'll talk about how we finally got the demoscene to be part of the Swiss List of Living Traditions, we'll watch a few demos (new and worthy, possibly off some capture unless someone brings hardware) and we will have a quick look at what the people from Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur have been busy with during 2024 (projects and events). This edition of Demonights is hosted at the (new and shiny) Hackerspace of Chaostreff Bern and is part of their 2024/2025 series of monthly theme talks. No year could possibly end without an edition of the Demonights. So here we go again: Demonights 018 is going to take place in December, wrapping up the year nicely. We'll talk about how we finally got the demoscene to be part of the Swiss List of Living Traditions, we'll watch a few demos (new and worthy, possibly off some capture unless someone brings hardware) and we will have a quick look at what the people from Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur have been busy with during 2024 (projects and events). This edition of Demonights is hosted at the (new and shiny) Hackerspace of Chaostreff Bern and is part of their 2024/2025 series of monthly theme talks.
Twitter Hash Tag null
Shana  Shana ed3293fa Added Platform: Multiplatform
  Added Platform: Multiplatform
Shana  Shana ed3293fa
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null Lebendige Demoszene
Country null Switzerland
Description null No year could possibly end without an edition of the Demonights. So here we go again: Demonights 018 is going to take place in December, wrapping up the year nicely. We'll talk about how we finally got the demoscene to be part of the Swiss List of Living Traditions, we'll watch a few demos (new and worthy, possibly off some capture unless someone brings hardware) and we will have a quick look at what the people from Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur have been busy with during 2024 (projects and events). This edition of Demonights is hosted at the (new and shiny) Hackerspace of Chaostreff Bern and is part of their 2024/2025 series of monthly theme talks.
Email null info@echtzeitkultur.org
End Date null 2024-12-12
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Meeting
Location null Bern: Chaostreff Bern (Place)
Name null Demonights 018
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null demonights/demonights-018
Start Date null 2024-12-12
Eventseries null Demonights
Timezone null Europe/Zurich
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://demonights.ch/blog/demonights-018
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null Lebendige Demoszene
Country null Switzerland
Description null No year could possibly end without an edition of the Demonights. So here we go again: Demonights 018 is going to take place in December, wrapping up the year nicely. We'll talk about how we finally got the demoscene to be part of the Swiss List of Living Traditions, we'll watch a few demos (new and worthy, possibly off some capture unless someone brings hardware) and we will have a quick look at what the people from Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur have been busy with during 2024 (projects and events). This edition of Demonights is hosted at the (new and shiny) Hackerspace of Chaostreff Bern and is part of their 2024/2025 series of monthly theme talks.
Email null info@echtzeitkultur.org
End Date null 2024-12-12
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Meeting
Location null Bern: Chaostreff Bern (Place)
Name null Demonights 018
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null demonights/demonights-018
Start Date null 2024-12-12
Eventseries null Demonights
Timezone null Europe/Zurich
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://demonights.ch/blog/demonights-018