
Type Date User Transaction Description
2c98502a Removed Link: twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vlom4ster
  Removed Link: twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vlom4ster
PrincessLuna  PrincessLuna 4ec18cab Added Link: twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vlom4ster
  Added Link: twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vlom4ster
poti  poti bc819a3d
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-07-18 22:40:47
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-07-18 22:40:47
poti  poti 69cbd361
Property Old value New value
Name Undefined 2024 summer Undefined 2024 Summer
Property Old value New value
Name Undefined 2024 summer Undefined 2024 Summer
poti  poti cc980c99
Property Old value New value
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Twitter Hash Tag null
nikhotmsk  nikhotmsk 0a7ee4f0 Added Image
  Added Image
nikhotmsk  nikhotmsk 0a7ee4f0
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null MixedEventAttendanceMode
Claim null Just one more compo
Country null Russia
Description null A small but proud demoparty of Roshchino (Raivola) town near Saint-Petersburg, Russia. This time our fest is devoted to BBS artworks (for terminal based Bulletin Board Systems). Our BBS is at telnet (under construction) We got an IRC <--> Telegram bridge working, check it out. Totally not related to Chaos Constructions.
Email null nikhotmsk@gmail.com
End Date null 2024-08-11
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Roschino village: Hotel Raivola (Place)
Name null Undefined 2024 summer
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null undefined/undefined-2024-summer
Start Date null 2024-08-10
Eventseries null Undefined
Timezone null Europe/Moscow
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://undefined.chaosconstructions.ru/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null MixedEventAttendanceMode
Claim null Just one more compo
Country null Russia
Description null A small but proud demoparty of Roshchino (Raivola) town near Saint-Petersburg, Russia. This time our fest is devoted to BBS artworks (for terminal based Bulletin Board Systems). Our BBS is at telnet (under construction) We got an IRC <--> Telegram bridge working, check it out. Totally not related to Chaos Constructions.
Email null nikhotmsk@gmail.com
End Date null 2024-08-11
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Roschino village: Hotel Raivola (Place)
Name null Undefined 2024 summer
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null undefined/undefined-2024-summer
Start Date null 2024-08-10
Eventseries null Undefined
Timezone null Europe/Moscow
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://undefined.chaosconstructions.ru/