
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti e3758e44
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-09-11 09:24:52
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-09-11 09:24:52
poti  poti f1adaf72
Property Old value New value
Name 50 Years of Teletext Art! 50 Years of Teletext Art
Property Old value New value
Name 50 Years of Teletext Art! 50 Years of Teletext Art
poti  poti 6c26fe95
Property Old value New value
Location null Cambridge (City)
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Location null Cambridge (City)
Twitter Hash Tag null
PrincessLuna  PrincessLuna aa2825dc
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Country null United Kingdom
Description null Teletext 50th year celebration in Cambridge with some competitions
End Date null 2024-09-22
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Art-Festival
Name null 50 Years of Teletext Art!
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null unique-event/50-years-of-teletext-art
Start Date null 2024-09-21
Timezone null Europe/London
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null http://www.teletext50.com/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Country null United Kingdom
Description null Teletext 50th year celebration in Cambridge with some competitions
End Date null 2024-09-22
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Art-Festival
Name null 50 Years of Teletext Art!
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null unique-event/50-years-of-teletext-art
Start Date null 2024-09-21
Timezone null Europe/London
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null http://www.teletext50.com/